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Tablettes graphiques Wacom - Découvre tes possibilités

Bienvenue dans l'univers de Wacom, ton partenaire en technologie créative digitale. Depuis plus de 30 ans, nous développons des solutions techniques telles que des tablettes graphiques et des stylets numériques pour des personnes comme toi. Avec une tablette graphique Wacom, tu dessines, écris et peins comme si tu utilisais un stylo ou un pinceau sur du papier, tout en profitant des nombreuses possibilités offertes par le monde numérique. Que tu sois débutant ou expert, Wacom propose une large gamme de tablettes graphiques adaptées à tous les niveaux et tous les budgets, allant de la compacte Wacom Intuos à la puissante Wacom Cintiq Pro avec écran intégré. Commence dès maintenant ton aventure avec Wacom et réalisons ensemble tes idées !

Wacom Movink 13

Make your move

The first professional OLED pen display

Exclusive 5-Year Warranty on selected devices

For decades, Wacom devices have been synonymous with excellence, resilience, and a dedication to fostering creativity. To alleviate concerns about hardware, ensuring your undivided focus on your work, we provide extended warranties on some of our best-selling products.

Meet the new generation of Wacom Cintiq Pro - new sizes, high-end performance, color accuracy, new Wacom Pro Pen 3 and much more!

Engineered for harmony

Want to boost your creative workflow?

Discover the great combination of Wacom pen tablets and graphic displays with Loupedeck’s editable consoles. Combine both tools and gain even more control over your work.

Choose your Wacom and Loupedeck bundle now

See where it takes you

Start your creative journey with the new Wacom One Pen Displays and Tablets

Edu Registration

Gifts for creative people

Edu Registration


Wacom One, Wacom Intuos and One by Wacom also Works With Chromebook

Our pen tablets for digital education and creative expression

Wacom and ChromebookWacom and Chromebook

Wacom Intuos* and One by Wacom are Works With Chromebook-certified, taking digital learning and teaching to the next level.

Simply connect your pen tablet to your Chromebook and start writing or drawing like you would do with a pen on paper or chalk on blackboard. Enjoy the freedom to draw, write, design and share ideas like never before. Whatever you aspire to create, harness the power of the pen and let your imagination fly.

* Wacom One is tested and confirmed by Wacom to be compatible with Chromebook.
ExpressKeys™ support coming later in 2022.

Refurb or Bundle - Our Unmissable Offers

Check our special offers: save up to 50% on Refurbished and Bundle offers. Add more possibilities to your creativity by combining two Wacom products like the Wacom Cintiq Pro with the Wacom Drawing Glove or combine with perfect fitting Third Party gear like pens or controllers.

Wacom for Students, Teachers and Lecturers

Unleash your full creative potential or enhance your e-learning and remote working possibilities with Wacom. Use the powerful tools that today's industry-leading professionals, agencies, and schools rely on.
Save up to 15% and register now.
